Let’s discuss a frequently asked question by most of the people how to create backlinks for my website? Those days have gone by when every kind of backlink was considered good for search engine optimization.

Some years ago a lot of sloppy techniques like automated tools were used by the different website owners to build automated backlinks.

But now there is a big difference between link-building techniques since that era.

In the recent age, there is a great value in quality backlinks. But how you can create quality backlinks for your website.

Now we will give you some tips you need to follow for quality backlinks.

Now we will explain and try to answer your question about how to create backlinks for my website.


Table of Contents

What is backlinks in Digital Marketing?

When any other website links your website in any part of their website content then it is called a backlink in terms of digital marketing.

Backlinks are also known as external links. The backlink could be on the blog post, services page, or any other type of page of another website.

They have great value from the SEO point of view because they back up the quality content of your website.

But how you can create genuine and quality backlinks for your website.

It is not possible to know about the fact how different search engine algorithms qualify your website content and backlinks for SEO but there some best SEO practices used by most SEO experts and professionals to optimize websites and create backlinks.


How to get Backlinks for My Website?

If you read any type of tips or guidance about backlinks then don’t believe in it if you don’t have much information about this platform.

Because if someone knows about the secret of ranking he will never share it with someone he doesn’t even know. You should research it on your own and perform different experiments related to backlinks.

You can create a website with a meager amount to test your backlinking techniques and then you will have your own case studies.

  1. Build Backlinks with Patience
  2. Writing Guest Posts for the Right Sites
  3. Don’t Leave Footprints on your Backlinks

Build Backlinks with Patience:

There are not any kind of chances to build natural and fast backlinks for a newly created website.

The natural links always take time.

Because it is not possible that some high-authority websites such as Washington Post or Forbes will link to your website.

Instead, you have to create backlinks and boost your website traffic.

How can you do this? There is a simple method of writing guest posts for your niche-related blogging websites.

Creating Backlinks

Writing Guest Posts for the Right Sites:

You should make sure while writing a post for a blog that it looks natural and don’t think that you are creating content for guest posting to get a backlink.

By using good techniques and strategies still, you can create some quality backlinks.

Some important tips regarding guest blogging are given below.

You don’t have to overlook the websites which do not have a page of “Write For Us”. Because every site does not have this page.

You will find most of the high authority websites from which you can get backlinks without that particular page.

Make sure to write for the only reputable sites related to your niche.

Avoid writing a blog post for a website that has domain authority less than your website.

  Because the link from such a website will not have much value and maybe your link gets removed without noticing you.

Try to write for more than one time to build a relationship with a high authority website.

Put your maximum effort to build a relationship.

Except that it will be considered as you are just writing to get a backlink.

  • Nofollow links

Some people assert that there is not any value of no-follow backlinks but in real Nofollow links have great importance as they can increase your social media followers and website traffic.

  • Monitor Backlinks

Keep monitoring the backlinks which you are getting from the guest posts.

For this purpose, you can use the Monitor Backlinks SEO tool that tracks your backlinks and updates you automatically about your backlinks.

Because sometimes webmasters change your links from dofollow to o-follow or even remove your backlinks completely and it is very important for you to know about this fact.

If you are using any type of backlink monitoring tools such as Monitor backlinks it will automatically send notification about any changes made in your backlink profile.

If you will receive an email notification you will be able to take action. In the author bio of your article always link your social media accounts.

By implementing this technique you will definitely get much better results.

guest blogging to create backlinks for free

Don’t Leave Footprints on your Backlinks:

Most of the SEO experts leave a footprint while creating a backlink.

All the backlinks of your website should seem natural.

While doing guest posting use different names and change your author bio.

Use different descriptions for your website while creating each post on different guest blogging sites.

Make your backlinks untraceable and they must look natural.


How to Get Backlinks for your Website?

The links coming from real websites with quality content and a good amount of social shares are considered the best links.

You can get these backlinks naturally or create them.

They will have great value as long they are coming from high-authority websites.

There are different methods of link building out there and maybe one method which works for me may not work for someone else.

It is the reason that you should perform different experiments on your own to learn about these methods as we have explained earlier.

For this, you can also analyze your competitor’s strategy and if this strategy also works for you then you can build the backlinks in the same way.

Some Common methods used to build backlinks are given as:

  • Infographics Links
  • Guest Posting
  • Rebuilding Broken Links
  • Blog Comments
  • Forums
  • Email Outreach


Which Backlinks You Don’t Want to Build?

There are also some links which you need to avoid while creating backlinks for your website. If you will have spammy links then it will have a negative impact on your backlinks profile.

Some example of bad backlinks are given as:

  1. Backlinks from Sites with Less or thin Content
  2. Website Without User Value Content
  3. Backlinks from Spam Comments


Backlinks from Sites with Less or thin Content:

Google devalues websites and webpages which have very thin content and in the same way, Google does not value backlinks coming backlinks from such websites.


Website Without User Value Content:

The best example of this category backlinks is coming from the article directories and social bookmarking websites.

These websites are only used for SEO purposes due to which Google does not value such websites.

The worst thing about these websites is that once you have created a backlink from such websites it will be almost impossible to remove your backlink from these websites.


Backlinks from Spam Comments:

Like others, Google also does not like spam.

So, that’s why your website will lose reputation if you are creating some spammy links from your website.

In this, you will also lose your search engine rankings. 

backlinks through blog

How to Create Backlinks for My Website Free?

It is necessary to have a link-building strategy.

You can create free backlinks for your website by creating some quality content.

But different website owners even do not have a link-building strategy but they create quality content consistently due to which they have better backlinks profiles as compared to others.

To create quality content you need to know about your audience and website users with your market competitors to know which type of content will have more value for your website users.

Like if your audience is facing a problem on a regular basis and your competitors are also trying to provide the solution to this particular problem then you should also focus on this particular topic and try to solve the problem.

To implement this method or technique you have to make a link-building strategy that will work collectively with your content marketing strategy.

How to Add Backlinks to My Website

How to Add Backlinks to My Website?

When Google search engines crawl your website it especially focuses on backlinks of your website to know about how your web pages are connected to other websites and through which method.

There are a lot of ranking factors in which backlinks are one of the important factors.

As we already know that it is very tough to get quality backlinks but you should have them if you want to get higher rankings in the Google search engine.

There are many legit ways to build quality backlinks for your website.

  1. Method of Broken Link Building
  2. Backlinks Through Infographics
  3. Promote Your Content
  4. Writing Testimonials
  5. Contact Bloggers and Journalist
  6. Building Links Through Donation
  7. Getting Backlinks through Interviews

Method of Broken Link Building:

Most people like the broken link-building method as it works well to build backlinks for your website.

For this, you have to search the websites which contain broken links you have to locate them and then contact the website owner and recommend them to replace these broken links.

In this way, you will have a good chance to get a backlink from them.

To get started with this technique find websites related to your websites containing resource pages. 

Backlinks Through Infographics:

To get quality backlinks and boost your website traffic infographics are now one of the most popular methods.

Moreover, you can easily understand infographics and share them. We know that in the modern age most people like visual data.

Because of this, the demand for infographics is increasing to a great extent.

You should remain careful while selecting infographics.

You should include interesting and different information in infographics to show your audience.

You can also search about the trending topics to analyze exactly what people are looking for.

According to this data, you should create your infographics.

Collect maximum data after making thorough research.

But there is a misconception about infographics that is that it is very constant to create infographics.

It cost around 150$ to 300$ to create 10 infographics backlinks.

It means that you have to pay almost 30$ for a backlink but if one of your infographics goes viral then you can earn more than this amount. 

Infographics backlinks

Promote Your Content:

If you don’t know how to promote content then it will be very difficult for you to get backlinks even if you are creating some good quality content.

To promote your content you need to use email outreach.

For this, you have to make a strategy to contact different bloggers. You can use the Google search engine for this purpose and search queries such as keyword + roundup.

You have to give a quick and brief introduction to your website after contacting them. 

It will be better to send one of your guides a link with your message.

Then if they will find it useful they will give a backlink to your website.

They will definitely want to have a discussion with you as they are always looking for some quality backlink.

One thing you need to make sure of is don’t manipulate your relationship with these bloggers by directly asking for a backlink.

promoting content on social media and internet to get backlinks for a website

Writing Testimonials:

Writing testimonials for different websites is also a good method of getting backlinks. In this way, you can earn quality backlinks from high authority pages only in a few minutes.

There are more chances of getting a backlink in return for a backlink if you are a product customer.

Writing Testimonials to get backlinks for a website in free

Contact Bloggers and Journalist:

You have to spread your business words all around the internet to get backlinks for your site.

And there is no better way than email outreach to different influencers and journalists related to your website niche.

We are not discouraging you but it is a little bit challenging to find emails from different influencers and journalists.

Most of the websites have email addresses such as jonathan@gmail.

com and you can directly send emails to these email addresses. If this method does not work for you then you can also use the tools such as Emailfinder.io.

You just have to enter the name of the person you want to connect and this website will work to find this person’s contact.

You can also use Social media such as Linkedin or Google plus as an alternative.

Your email should be brief and short as they don’t have enough time for strangers.


Building Links Through Donation:

You can build backlinks by giving donations to nonprofit organizations.

This method is not complex but just as simple.

You just have to find the websites related to your niche which accept backlinks and donations.

In a simple way, you have to donate the amount and provide the URL of your website.

You have to search some specific keyphrases in the Google search engine to find such websites. Some examples of such queries are given below.

Contributors page + keyword

Contributors page + donate + keyword


Getting Backlinks through Interviews:

Nowadays online interviews are very hot and they also provide an opportunity to build backlinks easily for your website.

You will get invitations for an interview when your site will have high authority but until then you have to wait and take some important steps.

Search websites that are taking interviews and tell them you want to participate in an interview and how much knowledge you have.


How do I Create Backlinks to My Website?

You can find a lot of different techniques and ways to build backlinks for your website for free.

These techniques include contacting other website owners for SEO suggestions but the best way to do so is to analyze your competitors and see from where they are getting backlinks.

You need to plan a better strategy to build backlinks and get better results from your search engine optimization efforts as if your business is a little bit different from others. 

Moreover, you can find the best and reliable tool to check the backlinks of your website and then learn to get the most out of its features.

Through these tools, you will be able to analyze and monitor your website performance and backlinks.

\It will also automate different processes for you and you will be notified when you need to take some specific kind of action.


Build Links From Outdated Resources:

First of all, you have to search websites related to your site which have changed their name, stop offering services, get closed or move to a new URL.

Let’s explain it with an example: Sometimes ago the SEOMoz changed their name to Moz and also moved their website to Moz.com from SEOmoz.org.

It was the best opportunity to get a backlink from the outdated URL of SEOMoz.com and many people are still linking their websites to it.

Now you have to find all of the websites are still linking to the old and outdated URL.

\As we have found a site that is shifted to a new URL and rebranded it’s an ideal time to search all of the websites that are liking this particular webpage.

You can do this by putting the outdated URL into your backlink checker tool.

You can use any type of backlink checker tool which you like the most. 

Now see all the websites which are linked to that particular URL.

According to your website niche, you will find a few opportunities to create backlinks for your website.

Other than that you can focus on the high domain authority websites.

Now the last step is to approach all the people who are linking to this outdated link yet. You have to update them about outdated links and ask them in a gentle and thorough way to add your website link to their website as well.  


How do you get valued Backlinks to a Website?

The links coming from a high SEO trust score webpage are considered high-value backlinks.

Because high SEO trust scores identify that a website is creating quality and useful content for its users.

If you will get backlinks from such websites it can help you to increase your website search rankings and the reputation of your brand.

It will show that you are publishing quality and useful content that people also like to share with others.

This also makes your website a reputable source.

  1. Making Friends with Other Sites
  2. Getting Backlinks from Review Sites
  3. Making Link Building Strategy

Making Friends with Other Sites:

You need to be proactive while creating backlinks and you have to do it on your own self as you can’t say anyone to create backlinks for my website if you don’t have enough budget.

Create quality content on your website and add a link to the relevant website.

Then contact that website owner and let them know that you have added their website link.

They will take it as a privilege and there are most of the chances that they will also add a link to your website to their webpages or maybe share your website to their social media accounts.

You should keep in mind that the link of another website on your webpage will not be considered as your backlink rather it will be considered as their website backlink.

But if another website will add your website link to their website then you will definitely earn a backlink.


Getting Backlinks from Review Sites:

Reviews sites are also one of the best sources to get backlinks for your website.

So, first, you have to find the review sites related to your website.

You will get backlinks from these sites automatically by creating your profile.

Some review sites will ask to provide some basic information about your company such as website address, descriptions, and contact details.

That is a great opportunity to add your organization details as it will help you to get a backlink.

You can also ask people to write reviews for your website on these particular websites.

getting backlinking from Review website

Making Link Building Strategy:

Creating a backlink strategy is one of the most important actions that you need to take for quality backlinks to your website.

It should be a standard part of your search engine optimization.

You can use backlink tools such as Site improve which will help you to indicate backlinks sources which include URL, influence, geographic location, and their trust scores. 

This data will give you a perception about which sites or organizations are referencing your site and also about your digital presence.

There is no doubt about the fact that backlinks are one of the most important factors of SEO.

Backlinks are not something that is out of control.

You just focus on building quality backlinks.

creating link building strategy

How to Create Backlinks to Your site for Free?

It’s going to be too expensive to pay for backlinks day by day.

You have to pay a minimum of 100$ to 500$ per backlink if you want to get services from an SEO agency for backlinking services.

If you have enough budget to spend on link building services then it makes sense but what you have to do if you don’t have  money to spend on agencies link building services. 

So, if you have some amount of time to invest in link building then there are also some opportunities to get backlinks for free of cost.

For this, you just need the right tools and some creativity to implement backlink techniques. Here are few vital techniques to create backlinks at free of cost.

  1. Worth of Free Backlinks
  2. Improve Understanding of Your Market
  3. Improved Professional Network
  4. Improved SEO expertise
  5. High likelihood of lasting backlinks
  6. Ask Your Friends for Backlinks ( Right Way)
  7. Reach Out to Industry Publications and Websites
  8. Using Search Terms to Find Backlinking Sites
  9. Note All the Backlinking Websites
  10. Write High-value Comments on Websites
  11. Use Your Social Media Profiles
  12. Social Media Profile
  13. Social media posts and updates from other people
  14. Be Inspired by Your Competitors

Worth of Free Backlinks:

If you are a digital marketer or own a website and want to grow your website then you have to select between time or money to invest in digital marketing strategies.

The best way to earn free backlinks is by investing your time.

Moreover, you will get better and long-term results by investing your time.


Improve Understanding of Your Market:

To earn backlinks for your website you have to make market research that will help you to understand your marketing strategies and goals in a better way.

This information and research will also help if you only want to focus on SEO best practices or want to run PPC campaigns.


Improved Professional Network:

By building backlinks for your website your network will also grow more. Sometimes, we also get better opportunities from our network such as high-paying jobs and opportunities for joint ventures.

If you will maintain your relationships with others through respect you will definitely get some opportunities from them.


Improved SEO expertise:

When you will make different efforts to get backlinks it will keep you up to date.


High likelihood of lasting backlinks:

If you will spend 1000$ or 2000$ on Google ads it will definitely drive a good number of traffic on your website but the audience will come until you have money in your Google ads account and when you will get short of your Google ads budget then you will have no visitor on your website.

As compared to Google ads or Facebook ads if you will earn a backlink for your website it will stay for months and years.


Ask Your Friends for Backlinks ( Right Way):

As we have stated earlier at this point you have to get help from your network to get backlinks for free.

But you have to do it in the right way.

Asking for backlinks from people who even do not know you or from websites that are not related to your website niche.

Moreover, it will be better to ask for a backlink to a specific product or page than your homepage.

You should add value before asking for a backlink from someone.

Such as if your friend from which you want to get a backlink like “Game of Thrones” then including the house Lannister reference in your infographics will be a good combination.

On the other hand, you can help your friend to achieve his goals when he needs to.

To contact your friends and request a backlink you have to send an outreach message to your friend and ask for a backlink.

You should take time to get a reply from each of your friends if you are sending several requests.

Because messing up details will make it quite tough for you to handle each request of backlink in a better way.


Reach Out to Industry Publications and Websites:

Most people want to get free backlinks from some high authority and reputed sites like CNN, New York Times, and Fox by writing articles for them.

But actually, they are not ready to grab this opportunity.

However, even if you are ready, they write for general public interest rather than focusing on a specific niche.

So, it will be much better to get backlinks from 3 to 5 websites related to your niche than spending weeks of time on popular sites like New York Times to get a backlink.

It is not quite easy to get a backlink from Fortune or Forbes instead there is a great number of websites related to each website niche from where you can get quality backlinks more easily.

Now we will take an example of how you can implement this strategy in a proper way.


Using Search Terms to Find Backlinking Sites:

You can use Google search to search different publications and blogs related to your website niche to get backlinks. 

For this, you can use search terms such as:

  1. “Project Management Guest Post”
  2. “Project Manager Blogs”


Note All the Backlinking Websites:

Then have a look at the sites opposite to these queries and add these websites to your backlink websites.

It will be better to make a spreadsheet to note all the backlinking websites.


Start the Outreach to Ask for Backlinks:

Either you can offer to write a blog post to get a backlink or ask for a backlink to a relevant URL of your website.

There is a great good chance that you will get better results from these backlink strategies.


Repurpose Your Content:

It requires hard work to create quality content.

Repurposing your content is the way to get three backlinks from one piece of quality content.

Now we will see how you can implement this technique to get backlinks.

First, you have to write a blog post on a trendy and popular topic which will get a great amount of traffic and backlinks.

Once you have done it then it will be the time to get the most out of it.

Then you have to create content on different platforms related to this blog post.

Such as you can make a YouTube video in which you will cover the main points of that particular article which have backlinks and traffic.

\If you have excellent presentation skills then you can also create a presentation related to this topic and then you can post it on SlideShare.

You can create some social media updates which point back to your original content or to your YouTube video or presentation.

In the end, it all depends upon your skills through which you can keep using this strategy, again and again, to get the most out of this strategy.

It will not be easy to repurpose content for the first time but you should keep working on it.


Write High-value Comments on Websites:

As comment backlinks do not pass SEO juice but they can help you to send some quality traffic to your website and relationship building.

Later on, this approach will also help you to write guest blogs and build your network.

With a combination of other techniques and tactics, this link-building strategy will deliver some excellent results.

It is still worthy to use a blog comment approach because it helps you to build relationships with website owners. Always write some valuable comments then write just 2 or 3 words like “excellent post”.

You should take some time and select one or two topics from that content which you find interesting and explain the reason why you like it.

Furthermore, you can also ask a question to clarify a specific point of content.

You will get two opportunities when your backlink will come into play.

First, some blogs have a website field that you can use to get backlinks while writing a comment.

From this place, you will get a free backlink.

Second, you can also mention your website URL in the comment body. But it is not always allowed by the website owners.


Use Your Social Media Profiles:

It is an easy method to get backlinks. You have to make sure that all social media profiles of your company or business contain your website link.

Here are 3 different ways to get backlinks from social media.


Social Media Profile:

Most of the social media platforms allow you to add your website link to your profile.

It will be better to add the URL of your main landing page to generate some leads and it would be the best use of that opportunity.


Social media posts and updates:

In most of your social media posts, you can also include a backlink of your website.


Social media posts and updates from other people:

That is not in your control but you can encourage people to share social media links of your content.

We can’t say anything about which social media platform is best to use but some popular social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn are recommended to use.

You can also use YouTube if you have video-making and editing skills.


Be Inspired by Your Competitors:

Getting free backlink ideas from competitors is one of the best and tested methods.

For this, you have to start by adding the URL of your competitor’s website in Monitor backlinks.

In this way, you will get a list of your competitor backlinks.

But how you will get these backlinks for free for your website as well.

Now it all depends upon your website on which you are working and your network

You can use the domain authority as a basic rule.

Like if you want to get a backlink from a website with DA more than 50 or higher you should not get a backlink from such websites unless your website already has one backlink of DA 50 or higher.

Other than that you should focus on backlinks lower than DA 50.

You should focus on the web pages where your competitor’s website is already listed.


How to Create Backlinks for YouTube Videos?

Now we will guide you on how you can get backlinks for your YouTube videos to rank them quickly.

The best way to get backlinks for YouTube videos is by embedding videos on Tumblr blogs with high page authority. You can do better by embedding more videos.

But there is one issue that you have to do it manually and it will take some time as well.

If you want to speed up this process then a Tumbler tool is also available.

These tools can do it for you in a quick time.

This tumbler tool is known as TumblingJazz and you can buy it at the price of only 77$.

It is a one-time fee which means that you will get lifetime access to this tool by paying just 77$.

If you want to rank more than one video then this tool will prove very handy for you.


Get Bakclinking & Off-Page SEO Services from SEO Cares:

Some very important SEO factors are included in off-page SEO such as backlinks and they are one of the most important parts of digital marketing as well.

If you don’t have enough time to focus on your off-page SEO and monitor your off-page SEO efforts and are looking for someone to create backlinks for my website then you can hire SEO Cares for your website to handle the off-page activities of your website.

SEO Cares is a full services digital marketing and SEO company with an expert team of SEO and digital marketing professionals.

With practical experience of working on several big digital marketing and SEO projects for some reputed brands and businesses of industry.

Because we know how to deliver the exceptional results necessary to take your business to the next level.


Read more about backlinks:

Referring Domains vs Backlinks: What’s the Difference?

How Long Do Backlinks Take To Work in 2023?

How to Get Dofollow Backlinks: 22 Winning Strategies

30 Types of Backlinks in SEO: Powerful Backlinking Techniques

Tier 1 Backlinks in SEO: Make Them Work for You

What Is Web 2.0 Backlinks & How to Create Them?


  • Zaid Salfi

    Zaid Salfi is a digital marketing expert with over 8 years of experience specializing in SEO, Google Ads, social media marketing, and content writing. He is a well-known name in the digital marketing industry. His expertise lies in writing high-quality, effective content that helps marketers and business owners achieve their marketing goals. Zaid is also the owner of seocares.com, a blog dedicated to digital marketing insights. To know more about Zaid you can visit the CEO page.

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