Running Google Ads is a great way for getting traffic to your website.

But how do you know if users coming to your website are actually doing what you want them to, like buying something or signing up for your newsletter?

That’s where conversion tracking comes in.

In this easy-to-follow guide, we will show you how to set up conversion tracking in Google Ads so you can see exactly how your ads are turning clicks into customers.


Ways to Set Up Conversion Tracking in Google Ads:

There are two main ways to set up conversion tracking in Google Ads:

  1. Using Google Ads Tracking Code: This method involves adding a snippet of code directly to your website. It’s a good option if you don’t use Google Tag Manager (GTM) already.
  2. Using Google Tag Manager (GTM): This is the recommended method if you already use GTM for other website tags. It offers more flexibility and easier management.

Here’s a breakdown of both methods.


Method 1: Set Up Conversion Tracking Using Google Ads Tracking Code


Create a Conversion Action:

  • Sign in to your Google Ads account.
  • Click on “Tools & Settings” in the top right corner.
  • Navigate to “Measurement” and then “Conversions.”
  • Click “+ New conversion action.”
  • Choose “Website” as the conversion source.
  • Define your conversion category (e.g., purchase, sign-up).
  • Click “Create and continue.”

Create a Conversion Action:


Set Up Your Google Ads Tracking Code:

  • Google Ads will provide you with a snippet of code to add to your website. This code snippet includes your Google Ads Conversion ID and Conversion Label.
  • You’ll need to place this code snippet between the <head> tags of every page where you want to track conversions.
  • If you’re not comfortable modifying website code, consult your web developer for assistance.


Check Your Google Tag:

  • After adding the code, go back to the “Conversions” section in Google Ads.
  • Check the status of your conversion action. It might take some time for conversions to start registering.


Benefits of using Google Ads Tracking Code to set up conversion tracking:

There are several benefits to using the Google Ads Tracking Code (now part of the Google tag) to set up conversion tracking in Google Ads:


Simpler Setup:

The Google Ads Tracking Code is a single snippet of code you add directly to your website. This can be quicker and easier to implement, especially if you’re not familiar with GTM.

Simpler Setup:


Fewer Dependencies:

Since it’s a standalone code, you don’t rely on GTM functioning correctly for conversion tracking to work in Google Ads.

This can be advantageous if you have concerns about GTM causing glitches or if your website build doesn’t easily integrate with GTM.


Method 2: Set Up Conversion Tracking Using Google Tag Manager (GTM) (Recommended)

Set Up Conversion Tracking Using Google Tag Manager


Access Google Tag Manager:

Log in to your Google Tag Manager account and navigate to the workspace containing your website.


Create a New Tag:

Click on “Tags” in the left sidebar and then click on “New” to create a new tag.


Configure Tag Type:

Choose “Google Ads Conversion Tracking” from the tag type selection.


Set Up Conversion Tracking:

  • Enter your Google Ads Conversion ID in the “Conversion ID” field. You can find this ID in your Google Ads account.
  • In the “Conversion Label” field, enter the conversion label you want to use for this specific conversion.


Configure Trigger (when to fire the tag):

  • You need to define when the tag should fire (i.e. when a conversion happens). A common trigger is “Page View” for tracking general website conversions.
  • GTM offers various triggers based on user actions or page visits. Choose the trigger that best suits your conversion event (e.g., purchase completion, form submission).


Save and Preview:

  • Click “Save” to create the tag.
  • To test your setup, use the GTM preview and debugger mode. This simulates how the tag fires on your website.


Publish Changes:

  • Once you’ve verified everything works correctly, publish the changes to your website. This makes the new tag live on your site.


Benefits of using GTM to set up conversion tracking in Google ads:

There are several advantages to using Google Tag Manager (GTM) to set up conversion tracking in Google Ads:


Easier Implementation:

GTM eliminates the need to directly modify your website’s code every time you want to add or update conversion tracking tags.

This makes the setup process much faster and less error-prone.


Centralized Control:

GTM acts as a central hub for all your website’s tracking tags.

This gives you a single interface to manage and monitor all your conversion tracking for Google Ads, as well as other marketing tools.

Centralized Control:


Faster Deployment:

With GTM, you only need to install the GTM container code on your website once.

After that, you can quickly deploy new tracking tags or update existing ones without involving your developers.


Improved Accuracy:

GTM offers built-in testing and debugging tools that help you ensure your conversion tracking tags are firing correctly.

This minimizes the risk of inaccurate data that could lead to misguided campaign decisions.


Enhanced Tracking:

GTM allows you to go beyond basic conversion tracking and set up tracking for more granular user actions.

This can include things like video views, button clicks, and scroll depth, providing deeper insights into user behavior and how they interact with your website.



GTM offers a wide range of tag templates and custom configuration options, allowing you to tailor your conversion tracking to meet your specific needs.


How to Choose the Right Method?

Here’s how you can choose the right method for setting up conversion tracking in Google Ads:

How to Choose the Right Method:

Use Google Ads Tracking Code if:

  • You don’t use Google Tag Manager (GTM) on your website.
  • You or your web developer are comfortable adding code snippets directly to your website’s HTML.
  • You only need to track a few simple conversions and don’t anticipate needing frequent changes to your tracking setup.

Use Google Tag Manager (GTM) if:

  • You already use GTM to manage other website tags.
  • You want centralized control over all your website tags, including conversion tracking.
  • You need to track multiple conversion types or anticipate needing to modify your tracking setup frequently.
  • You prefer a more user-friendly interface for managing conversion tracking without editing website code directly.


What types of conversions can we track with Google Ads?

You can track a wide range of conversions with Google Ads, categorized into the following main types:

What types of conversions can we track with Google Ads?


Website actions:

These are the most common conversions and track what visitors do on your website after clicking on your ad. This can include things like:

  • Completing a purchase
  • Signing up for a newsletter
  • Filling out a form (e.g., for a quote, demo, or contact)
  • Downloading an offer (e.g., Ebook, whitepaper)


App conversions:

If you have a mobile app, you can track app downloads and in-app purchases with Google Ads.


Phone calls:

You can track calls generated from your ads in a few ways:

  • Calls from ads with phone extensions or call-only ads using a Google forwarding number
  • Calls directly to your business phone number displayed on your website (requires setup)
  • Phone number clicks on your mobile website

Phone calls:


Local actions:

These track interactions with your physical location after someone sees your ad. This can include:


  • Clicks to call
  • Viewing your business menu
  • Getting directions to your location


Imported conversions:

You can track offline actions (e.g., in-person sales or phone sales) that you believe were driven by your ads by importing data from your CRM or another system.



So, there you have it. With conversion tracking set up, you’ll be able to see exactly how your Google Ads are performing and optimize them to attract the right customers and maximize your return on investment.

Remember, whether you choose the simpler Google Ads tracking code or the more flexible Google Tag Manager, the key takeaway is to start tracking your conversions today.

Every click and action provides valuable insights that can help you refine your campaigns and achieve even greater success.


Frequently Asked Questions Corner:


How do I track conversion status in Google Ads?

To track conversion status in Google Ads, navigate to the “Tools & Settings” section and then “Measurement” followed by “Conversions.”

Here you’ll see a list of your defined conversion actions. Each action will have a status column indicating if it’s active and tracking conversions.


How do I set up purchase conversion tracking in Google Ads?

There are two main methods for setting up purchase conversion tracking:

  • Using Google Ads Tracking Code: This involves adding a code snippet to your website’s confirmation page that fires after a successful purchase.
  • Using Google Tag Manager (GTM): This method offers more flexibility and allows you to set up a tag that fires on specific events like “purchase complete” or “transaction confirmation.”


How Many Conversions Can You Setup?

There’s no limit to the number of conversions you can set up in Google Analytics.

You can track a wide range of actions that signify someone taking a valuable step on your website, from signing up for a newsletter to making a purchase.


What Does Conversion Tracking Help You Measure?

Conversion tracking helps you measure how effective your website is at achieving your specific goals.

These goals can be anything from generating leads and sales to increasing app downloads or getting people to sign up for a service.


How do I set up call conversion tracking in Google Ads?

You can track calls generated from your Google Ads by enabling call extensions or call forwarding within Google Ads. This allows you to see how many calls resulted from ad clicks.


How To Setup Conversion Tracking With Google Analytics?

Setting up conversion tracking in Google Analytics involves defining what a conversion means for your website and then implementing tracking code to capture those actions. Here’s a simplified overview:

  • Define Your Conversion Goals: Identify the specific actions you want users to take on your website (e.g., purchase, sign-up, download).
  • Set Up Goals in Google Analytics: Within Google Analytics, you can create goals and define how you want to track them (e.g., page visit, button click, event).
  • Implement Tracking Code: Google Analytics provides tracking code snippets you need to insert into your website code to capture conversion data.


How to set up conversion tracking in Google Analytics?

While Google Ads focuses on ad conversions, Google Analytics offers a wider range of conversion tracking.

Setting it up involves integrating Google Analytics with your website and defining conversion goals within the platform.


How to set up Google ads conversion tracking Shopify?

Shopify offers built-in integration with Google Ads. Within your Shopify admin panel, you can locate the Google Ads settings and enable conversion tracking.

This typically involves adding your Google Ads account ID.


Where to find conversion ID in Google ads?

You can find your conversion ID in the Google Ads “Conversions” section under “Tools & Settings” and then “Measurement.”

Each conversion action you create will have a unique conversion ID associated with it.


More on Google Ads:

How to Add Keywords to Google Ads?

SEO vs. Google Ads: Do Google Ads Help SEO?

How to Use Google Ads for Dropshipping?

How to Choose A Dental Google Ads Agency?

How to Create Google Ads Account Without Campaign?

How To Find Google Ads Customer ID?

Find Conversion ID in Google Ads [For Both Interfaces]